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I didn’t actually realise I was starting my career at the time – just taking a job that let me wear a singlet to work was enough, those 30-plus years ago. From unloading trucks to leading $250m work programs and overseeing the country’s largest commercial technology environment, I’ve had the opportunity to build an incredibly rich set of experiences, seeing business from just about every angle. The constant over that time: change.
The mentors in my career have brought out the best in my ability to form well-considered positions, harness an innovative problem-solving style and strive with resilience to achieve the right outcome for all stakeholders. And, living by a personal virtue of “no pressure, no diamond”, I suppose there have been quite a few notable successes though, most humbling of them all, is that there seem to be a few people that attribute some of their success to my mentorship.
“Our Experience, Your Success” is not some throw-away by-line on the Ignite Performance brand – it really is how we roll.