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Boosting Leadership for Better Results

See how we helped a senior leader tap into his emotional intelligence to get results through his people not in spite of them.

Our Client’s organisation is an ASX 100 listed, fast-paced, highly competitive company that owns and operates resorts Australia-wide.

The Challenge

During his performance appraisal, the Director of Operations was given feedback that although he was getting good results, it was at the expense of his people. There had been complaints about his managerial style and indicators that people were looking to leave because of him.

He readily admitted he wasn’t much of a “people person” and was offered coaching with Ignite Performance to develop specific ways to inspire, engage and mobilise his team that was in keeping with his authentic style.

The Solution

Our first step was to establish rapport and trust with our client. That enabled us to have frank conversations about what was important to him, personally and professionally. We then introduced the concept of being smart with his emotions. This was the biggest challenge with our client – we used plenty of “bottom-line” business results examples to show how being smart with emotions helps a leader be more business savvy.

Using the Social and Emotional Intelligence Assessment, we then focused coaching on development areas such as building empathy with his team and key stakeholders, conducting “real plays” based on recent, real-life business scenarios he encountered at work. We observed our client “in situ”, in meetings and interactions and offered “in the moment” feedback. We helped him become comfortable with talking to his team about what was driving his actions (frustration, concern etc) which in turn gave them permission to discuss the same. Over the next three months, our client created new leadership habits that closed the gap between intent and action.

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